If you master only one herb in your life, master Cayenne Pepper. It is more powerful than any other.”
Dr. John R. Christopher -World Reknown Master Herbalist.
About Cayenne
Capsicum annuum is a nightshade perennial which grows to a height of between 2-6 feet. It has been used for centuries both in the kitchen and medicinally. So what is the difference between Cayenne Pepper, Chili Pepper, and Capsicum? Well, Cayenne Pepper is the hottest form of Capsicum. Cayenne pepper should not be confused with Red Pepper which has an extremely mild heat. The botanist Samuel Thomson of the Thomsonian School of Medicine used Cayenne in many of his healing formulas alongside Lobelia as a stimulant and to assist the emetic properties of Lobelia. Emetic means to vomit or throw up. Now, for most of us, this sounds like a ridiculous thing to induce but contrary to what you may believe it can be life-saving.
The hottest pepper in the world at this time, according to Guinness records, is the Carolina Reaper at a whopping 2,200,000 Scoville Heat Units. There are two peppers with the potential to beat Carolina Reaper. The Dragon’s Breath Pepper has been initially tested at 2,480,000 SHU but has yet to be tested by Guinness for the record. The makers of the Carolina Reaper have announced Pepper X which is supposed to max out at 3,180,000 Scoville Heat Units – again dependant on an official Guinness test.
Botanical Names
Capsicum Annuum, Capsicum Frutescens
Common names: Cayenne, Chile, Chile Pepper, Hot Pepper, Habanero,
Family: Solanaceae (nightshade)
Historical Use
Cayenne has a long history of use and time will not allow us to document its complete journey, however, we will highlight a portion for you. In Ayurvedic medicine, Cayenne is well documented. It was successfully used for the treatment of ulcers, dyspepsia, and flatulence. It was used in combination with garlic, made into a paste and applied to the skin as a local stimulant. Records also indicate it was mixed with mustard seed to form a paste and applied to counteract irritation.
In the Trinidad and Tobago islands, pepper juice was applied to the inside of a dog’s nasal passage which greatly improved the ability of the dog to find a trail or follow a scent. While this method may be questionable and no doubt causes discomfort to the animal it should be noted that no permanent damage is caused in this way. Contrary to myth Cayenne does not destroy tissue, damage organs or any part of the body. This has been proven in police studies where cases of lawsuits arose and claims of damage caused by “pepper spray” and all have been proven false. And pepper spray is a highly concentrated form of Capsaicin and is not natural hot pepper – so the fear of Cayenne is unfounded
Hot peppers have been used in the Caribbean for the treatment of diabetes and believed to have originated from Jamaican traditional healers. Out of the West Indies, a preparation called Mandram, which included cucumbers, onions or chives, lemon or lime, shallots, and cayenne provided relief from digestive issues and loss of appetite. Interestingly it was documented to treat loss of appetite but Cayenne has also been used in treating the issue of overeating. (continue reading) Hot peppers are a staple in the Caribbean and where we get the Moruga Scorpion or Trinidad Moruga, a hot pepper with a heat level of 1,200,000 to 2,000,000 Scoville heat units. This pepper is native to Trinidad and was the hottest pepper in the world until the Carolina Reaper which weighed in at 2,200,000 SHU – the current Guinness record holder!
Grown in the West Indies, the Negroes used it as an almost sacred remedy for Yellow Fever. In the book Back to Eden, Jethro Kloss states that as long as they had a good supply of Chili peppers they had “no fear” of these “deadly fevers”. There are several ancient formulae that include Cayenne that was shown to be effective for Yellow Fever and Malaria. These used in conjunction with hydro-therapy are perhaps the safest and most effective treatment.
The Chinese, like the Caribbeans, have been using Cayenne as a digestive aid. You may have been told by some well-meaning friend that Cayenne could damage your intestines, heart or digestive organs. In all the documented history and use of Cayenne not one example of this can be cited. Millions of people over thousands of years have eaten copious amounts of hot pepper and not one case of internal damage can be cited. Contrary, the Chinese use it to heal gastrointestinal problems and bleeding. A topical ointment is also made and applied to the skin treat frostbite and myalgia. Remember frostbite is death, Cayenne brings life!
Hot peppers were brought to Europe by Peter Martyr who traveled to the New World with Christopher Columbus. Peter Martyr documented their pungent taste and reported on their medicinal use by the ship’s Physician, Dr. Chatica. These Chili peppers, unlike many of the other discoveries such as the Potato, were quick to be adopted in the old world.
European countries have been more open to Herbal medicine than the US. Where the US has banned many herbs, Europe has in many cases still embraced or allowed them. There are Doctors in some European countries that literally prescribe herbal teas for their patients. This would be unheard of in America. One of these is Cayenne. Both the tea and ointment are used for the relief of muscle spasms, workout relief, pain, and several other conditions. Germany has approved Cayenne Pepper as a topical medicine. It is also often mixed with Ginkgo Biloba in Germany, to produce a formula that aids in mental acuity, memory, and focus. Allopathic doctors in Germany are actually prescribing this formula with great success. Many studies have shown the efficacy of Ginkgo Biloba but when the brain is not getting good blood flow Ginkgo will not always work because it isn’t getting there. This is where Cayenne comes in to ensure that Ginkgo Biloba is making it to the brain.
Early medicinal use of Cayenne in Europe is documented in Russia, Greece, and Italy where it was steeped in Vodka to produce a tonic which was drunk in 6oz doses. No herb has been more actively, widely and successfully used than Cayenne.
The Japanese have ancient ties to Herbal medicine and while modern doctors call it “alternative” medicine, these ancient healers would call them quacks. For thousands of years the human race has practiced herbal medicine, it is the native medicine, the native way. Alternative means to Alter the Native practice. So it is modern medicine, not Herbalism that is alternative. But we digress. The Japanese people will use Cayenne with other herbs to detoxify the body through the feet. These herbal pads applied to the foot are said to draw toxins and impurities from the body and cleanse the system. Documentation shows success in Japanese females who use Cayenne to prevent overeating. Interesting that the Carribean population uses it for lack of appetite… but this amazing spice does both as crazy as that may seem. This is the great difference between drugs and herbs. Drugs work by stopping a function of the body or hindering a process, herbs work by assisting, working with and alleviating the body. Many herbs will equalize your body. For instance, if you overdose of OTC Calcium it can cause Calcium buildup and stones, but you can eat as much Calcium ridden whole foods as you want and it will never cause Calcium stones. The body knows how to handle nutrition from whole foods… it doesn’t know how to handle synthetic.
In Korean medicine, Cayenne is used in conjunction with adaptogenic herbs. It is their belief that Cayenne aids in the efficacy and potency of these herbs. This view is substantiated by the literature of herbalists Dr. Christopher and Dr. Schulze and thousands of others. They will mix Cayenne with Gotu Kola and Ginseng and it is as commonly used today in Korean, as peppermint or green tea is used in the US.
Mexico and South America
The oldest known specimens of Capsicum come from this area of the world. Hot peppers may have been one of the earliest crops to be heavily cultivated and produced by man. Several sources both Archaeological and Historical have found ancient hot peppers that were much larger than those of today. It was a staple in the Aztec diet and popular with the Incan, and Mayan peoples. The Mayans ascribed great healing powers to Chili peppers. They would eat them before a war, ascribing a great protective benefit to them. While some believe this was purely spiritual and superstitious, we now know that Cayenne will stop bleeding in its tracks and can prevent a soldier from bleeding out on the battlefield. So it does have a protective effect! Therefore it is likely they were consuming the peppers to reduce fatalities from wounds and loss of blood. Archaeological digs near Puebla have recovered pottery containing the remains of a larger variety of Capsicum called Xilli which was believed to have been cultivated as early as 3000 B.C. To this day Mexico is known for its hot food and abundant use of hot peppers.
One historian writes that “Next to maize, it was the foremost plant in the land” referencing central America. Garcilaso de la Vega a Spanish poet and soldier wrote that to the Peruvian people Chilis were the most valuable plant, he went on to declare that they would never cook a dish without them. The Jesuit Acosta wrote that it was a great comfort to the stomach. Again, we see that it is a great digestive benefit. These people groups didn’t come together and share their ideas, they all came to the same conclusion from using it. This is a reoccurring theme in Historical use of hot peppers. An understanding that Cayenne/Chili peppers had a healing effect on the stomach and digestion was widely known so it amazes me that uninformed people today make wild unfounded claims that it harms the body.
It is recorded by 16th Century historians that warriors from the southern part of America would burn peppers so that the smoke would hinder invading Spanish armies. The first form of “Pepper spray” – Later on, Buddhist monks during the Vietnam war would mix lemon juice, cayenne and curry powder in spray guns to defend themselves.
Native American
Many Native American tribes including the Tupi consumed Cayenne/Chili peppers both as a food and for medicinal purposes. Native Americans, as we mentioned with the Mayans, would eat hot peppers both as a stimulant before a war and as a protective measure – again for its ability to stop bleeding. This may have been a part of why they were so feared in battle.
Other Historical Use
The Hunzas are interesting people who have historically subsisted on a very small and simplistic diet of Apricots(and pits), millet and Chili peppers. It is said that the average age of a Hunza was 120 years and 150 was not uncommon but as their lifestyle has slowly changed they are no longer living quite as long. While their age has been disputed there are some reasons to believe it is accurate. For instance, one writer described a case of a man in his 60s who had both his father and his father’s father and his father, living in good health.
Medicinal Use
Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of Cayenne is its stimulating effect on the circulatory system. Cayenne thus aids in getting the blood flowing to the extremities, bringing nutrition into the cells in the arteries, veins, and capillaries invigorating the body and reducing the blood pressure. When the blood is clogged with plaque buildup it cannot flow properly and becomes sluggish, this will lead to a heart attack. Cayenne naturally equalizes the blood pressure, from the head to the toes, immediately relieving the heart of its strenuous labor of pumping clogged blood, then working through to the extremities. Cayenne will aid in removal of mucus from the body, however, it is important to note that a whole plant-based diet is the only healthy diet for a human and failure to adhere to such a diet is what leads to plaque buildup and heart attacks. We need to eliminate the cause (poor diet), not just try to fix the symptoms.
Heart Attacks
Because of Cayenne’s immediate action on the blood and consequently the heart, it is one of the best aids for the heart. If the heart has stopped it can restart it again as it will push blood flow throughout the body and keep the heart pumping and alive. It can also be used as a preventative measure to protect against a heart attack. Results from clinical trials concluded that Hawthorn preparations “hold significant potential as a useful remedy in the treatment of CVD(Cardio Vascular Diseases)”[1]Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) in the treatment of cardiovascular disease
European doctors often recommend Hawthorn preparations along with drug treatment. Combining Cayenne and Hawthorn produces an excellent effect. Hawthorn builds a wall as it was protecting the heart and keeping a store of nutrients for the heart in case of loss of blood to the heart, which prevents major heart damage. Cayenne keeps blood flowing smoothly and equally throughout the body decreasing chances of heart failure. Dr. Christopher, a renown American pioneer Herbalist wrote that he never lost a patient to a heart attack in his many years making house calls. He would give the patient a Cayenne tea, a heaping teaspoon of Cayenne in warm water, and within minutes the color would return the patients heart would be beating normal. But, isn’t this all just anecdotal snake-oil quackery? No, Science is actually proving its validity. Keep reading for references.
Cayenne literally tones and rebuilds heart tissue. One very necessary Vitamin for the heart is Vitamin E. Synthetic Vitamin E damages cells but the natural Vitamin E in Cayenne aids in rebuilding damage from a heart attack.
Can Cayenne stop a heart attack in its tracks?
Many herbalists and much folklore evidence over the past 100 years suggest that Cayenne can literally stop a heart attack in its tracks. Dr. Christopher, the famous American herbalist stated that in 35 years of house calls he never lost a patient but is there actual Scientific evidence to support this?
For years there were no studies to substantiate these wild claims however slowly Scientific research is starting to catch up with Herbalism. A University of Cincinnati study published in 2009, put this to the test using an OTC Cayenne cream instead of oral administration. The results were absolutely amazing and bring the needed proof that Cayenne is not only a preventative measure against a heart attack but it can also protect the heart during a heart attack. These Scientists found that applying the Cayenne (capsaicin cream) to specific skin locations triggered signals in the nervous system which then activated “cellular pro-survival” pathways in the heart which protect the muscle[2]Cayenne Pain Cream Could Protect Heart During Attack according to the Scientists.
The Doctor and researcher stated “Topical capsaicin has no known serious adverse effects and could be easily applied in an ambulance or emergency room setting well in advance of coronary tissue death,”[3]Cayenne Pain Cream Could Protect Heart During Attack
In their tests, they observed an 85% reduction in cardiac cell death when the Cayenne cream was used during a heart attack. This slightly outperforms the 81% reduction caused by an incision on the abdomen. I don’t know about you but given the choice, I will take the cayenne cream!
They also stated, “This is a form of remote cardioprotection, using a skin stimulus that activates cardioprotection long before the blocked coronary artery is opened.” and “All of the current interventions require the vessel to be opened before doctors can act, and since it takes time to elicit protection, tissue dies,” he says. “This treatment will protect the heart before the vessel is opened while producing a strong protective effect that is already active when we open the vessel.”[4]Cayenne Pain Cream Could Protect Heart During Attack
Secondly, a study from Hong Kong that looked at Cayenne concluded “capsaicinoids were beneficial in improving a range of factors related to heart and blood vessel health”[5]Hot pepper compound could help hearts
This study also found that Cayenne reduces bad cholesterol in the blood but does not affect good cholesterol. Their research indicates Cayenne “allows more blood to flow through blood vessels.” and “reduce blood cholesterol and ease the tendency for dangerous blood clots to form.” – this translates into the decreased likelihood of having a heart attack as well as the possibility of stopping one as anything that improves blood flow and reduces cholesterol and the formation of blood clots has the potential to stop a heart attack. Remember, a heart attack is, in simple terms, the heart is unable to get proper blood flow and nutrition. Removing that restriction will stop the heart attack. So we now have proof of what many Herbalists have said for years, Cayenne could stop a heart attack and save your life.
Cayenne is a great anti-inflammatory and while many still falsely believe Cayenne burns and hurts this is based on a false understanding of its heat and properties. While Cayenne does give off heat and a burning sensation it does not in any way burn any part of the human anatomy nor does it cause inflammation. This has been proven by many studies. In one case where an individual was pepper sprayed by police, the individual sued the police stating he had vision loss. It must be understood that pepper spray is a higher concentration of capsaicin than even the Carolina Reaper, the hottest pepper in the world. After tests were done it was found it was a lie and the individual had zero damage, no vision loss, no damage whatsoever. It should be noted that it is not wise to consume the hottest pepper in the world if you are not used to the heat. You should start with a small amount of Cayenne and build up your tolerance.
In a study in Brazil, the antioxidant properties of Cayenne were examined. The conclusion drawn was that Cayenne “presented a significant anti-inflammatory activity…” and “Our findings suggest that Capsicum baccatum contains potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds which could be tested as drug candidates against oxidative and inflammation-related pathological processes in medicinal chemistry studies.”[6]Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of Capsicum baccatum: From traditional use to scientific approach
While we disagree that drugs are the answer, it is clear that Cayenne acts as a potent anti-inflammatory agent. This opens up a discussion for Cayenne’s use for a variety of inflammatory conditions, almost (if not) all of which could be improved by its use.
Cayenne contains many anti-inflammatory properties, one of them is Luteolin which according to the paper Flavonoids and Antioxidant Activity of Fresh Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Cultivars, “Luteolin had highest antioxidant activity followed by capsaicin and quercetin on an equimolar basis.”[7]Flavonoids and Antioxidant Activity of Fresh Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Cultivars
This probably doesn’t mean much to you so let me explain. Luteolin is a potent anti-cancer property which induces apoptosis, only in cancer cells, not in normal cells. See Cancer section for more info.
Salmonella typhimurium & Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Cayenne extract was shown to have a bacteriostatic(prevents bacterial growth) effect at a concentration of 0.3 ml of 100g extract and bactericidal(kills the bacteria off) effect at a concentration of 3ml on the bacteria Salmonella typhimurium and Pseudomonas aeruginosa[8]Antibacterial activity of Capsicum extract against Salmonella typhimurium and Pseudomonas aeruginosa inoculated in raw beef meat
Another study found inhibitory activity against Listeria monocytogenes, a foodborne pathogen, Bacillus cereus a toxic virus, Staphylococcus aureus(commonly known as Staph infection), and Salmonella Typhimurium.[9]Inhibition of growth of some foodborne pathogenic bacteria by Capsicum annum extracts
But the most important point here is Cayenne does not create intolerance or resistance but drugs do. So even if the efficacy of a drug is identical Cayenne would be preferential as it doesn’t have the ability to produce resistance. Drugs also have side effects. For instance, antibiotics kill all bacteria, good and bad. Cayenne does not! Antibiotics increase the risk of many diseases including certain cancers[10]Antibiotics may be linked to risk of cancer
Therefore we should be seeking herbal antibiotics that don’t cause these issues.
E-coli (Escherichia coli)
A number of herbs were researched, Garlic, Onion, Radishes and Cayenne Pepper for their antimicrobial properties. Cayenne was found to be strongly active against E-coli and Salmonella and Bacillus while Garlic and Onion were also effective against Pseudomonas pyocyaneus, but Cayenne was not.[11]Antimicrobial activities of Allium sativum, Allium cepa, Raphanus sativus, Capsicum frutescens, Eruca sativa, Allium kurrat on bacteria
Colon Cancer (colorectal)
In a research paper entitled Anticancer activity of baicalein and luteolin studied in colorectal adenocarcinoma LoVo cells and in drug-resistant LoVo/Dx cells the researchers look at a number of studies and come to this conclusion: “The studies have revealed that baicalein and luteolin inhibit growth of colon cancer cells both of drug-sensitive LoVo cellline and its drug-resistant LoVo/Dx subline. (PDF) Anticancer activity of baicalein and luteolin studied in colorectal adenocarcinoma LoVo cells and in drug-resistant LoVo/Dx cells”[12]Anticancer activity of baicalein and luteolin studied in colorectal adenocarcinoma LoVo cells and in drug-resistant LoVo/Dx cells
The reason this is so important is that not only is it anticancer and very beneficial in Colon Cancers but it even shows efficacy in cases of drug resistance. So Cayenne may be a great addition to natural healing of colon cancer. Another quote from the research paper states “Our studies have revealed that luteolin induces apoptosis insensitive to doxorubicin LoVo cells but also in the resistant sublineLoVo/Dx. Luteolin-induced apoptosis has been previously observed in other colon cancer cell lines (PDF) Anticancer activity of baicalein and luteolin studied in colorectal adenocarcinoma LoVo cells and in drug-resistant LoVo/Dx cells.”
Another research paper, as noted in the Nutritional section, found that Capsanthin which gives Cayenne its red color actually exhibits an anti-tumor and inhibitory effect on colon carcinogenesis or colorectal cancers.
Antitumor, Cancer Inhibitory Effects and Epstein-Barr Virus
Cayenne isolates have shown “potent… anti-tumor activity” with “inhibitory effects on Epstein-Barr virus and EBV-EA precursor herpes virus which is triggered and activated by the tumor.[13]Cancer chemopreventive activity of carotenoids in the fruits of red paprika Capsicum annuum L. Therefore the effect is two-fold, Cayenne attacks the tumor and inhibits the tumors ability to promote Epstein-Barr virus. It is therefore classified in this study as “chemopreventative”
Stomach Cancer
A constituent of Cayenne, Capsaicin has been found to inhibit a growth-related protein called tNOX associated with cancer cells. The research calls Capsaicin an “anti-cancer drug” and says “We showed that capsaicin-induced cytotoxicity in SCM cells concomitantly with apoptosis”[14]Effect of Capsaicin on tNOX (ENOX2) protein expression in stomach cancer cells – meaning they induced apoptosis or cell death in these cancer cells without affecting healthy cells.
Are Cayenne Peppers Chemopreventative?
On top of the studies mentioned above, there are others that have looked at many cancers and the chemopreventative effects of Cayenne peppers. Many of the phytochemicals in many plants have been found to be antitumor and anticancer, from honey to Turmeric to Ginger and now Cayenne. But researchers have found that in many cases Cayenne aides all other cancer-fighting herbs and improves their efficacy. One of the reasons for this mechanism is that Cayenne carries other herbs to every part of the body… this is why certain brain herbs may not be beneficial without Cayenne because they never make it the brain without it.
As we have discussed Cayenne has an equalizing effect on the blood which improves blood flow throughout the body, to the heart and other vital organs. One of the effects of this is a possible Diabetic solution. A small study on the effects of Cayenne on plasma glucose level concluded
“the present study found that 5 grams of capsicum presented capsaicin levels that were associated with a decrease in plasma glucose levels and the maintenance of insulin levels. The present result might have clinical implications in the management of type 2 diabetes.”[15]Pharmacokinetic and the effect of capsaicin in Capsicum frutescens on decreasing plasma glucose level.
Alzheimer’s and other brain altering diseases are becoming a huge concern, however, Cayenne can offer some healing. In one study Cayenne went up against “Lipid peroxidation” in the brain – free radical damage. The results varied based on ripe vs unripe and species of hot pepper but all water-based Cayenne extracts showed significantly “inhibitory effect of the pepper on lipid peroxidation”[16]Hot pepper (Capsicum annuum, Tepin, and Capsicum Chinese, Habanero) prevents Fe2+-induced lipid peroxidation in brain – in vitro They concluded with this:
“It was therefore concluded that hot peppers prevent Fe2+-induced lipid peroxidation, however CAT (ripe and unripe) are more potent inhibitors of Fe2+-induced lipid peroxidation than CCH (unripe and ripe), meanwhile unripe CAT had the highest protective ability and this is probably due to its higher total phenol content and Fe2+ chelating ability.”
Cayenne is a wonderful herb(spice) for the brain. Many herbs such as Gotu Kola and Rosemary, Ashwagandha, Ginkgo Biloba perform exponentially better when taken with Cayenne as the hot pepper acts as a carrier to take the herb quickly to the brain and other parts of the body. Many studies have looked at the link between either Cayenne or black pepper and increased efficacy of Turmeric on many health conditions. Some studies indicating an increase of 2000% bioavailability of Curcumin(from Turmeric) when taken with pepper.[17]Therapeutic Roles of Curcumin: Lessons Learned from Clinical Trials
Back Pain
Cayenne rubs/salves are used by many who no longer find relief from pain meds. These salves often contain other herbs such as Skullcap, White Willow, etc. Efficacy is based on actual Cayenne used dilution and other ingredients. One study of 320 patients found that after 3 weeks the “Cayenne plaster” group found a pain reduction of 42%. The conclusion was:
“The superiority of the treatment of chronic non-specific low back pain with capsicum plaster compared to placebo was clinically relevant and highly statistically significant. The capsicum plaster offers a genuine alternative in the treatment of non-specific low back pain.”[18]Topical treatment of chronic low back pain with a capsicum plaster
Contraindications & Side Effects
Cayenne in the eye – how to stop the burning sensation!
While it is important to understand that Cayenne will NOT damage the eye it can be very irritating and uncomfortable. Using water to try to wash the area tends to bring very little relief. One of the best methods is washing the eye with pure milk, the Casein will bind to the Capsaicin neutralizing – much like Milk(dairy) neutralizes many healing benefits of herbs. This is why we highly discourage the use of dairy products when healing disease.
Blood Thinners and Cayenne, are they dangerous together?
How Blood Thinners Work on the Body
It is first important to understand how blood thinners act on the blood and how Cayenne acts on the blood. Anticoagulants like Warfarin and Heparin slow down the body’s ability to clot, while this sounds great the reality is it can be very dangerous as it makes the body very susceptible to internal bleeding. According to Consumer Drug Information these drugs “increase your risk of bleeding, which can be severe or life-threatening”[19]RxList Coumadin Side Effects Center
Like all drugs they do not address the problem or fix any problems, they only mask the symptom in a way that causes new problems.
How Cayenne Works on the Body and Blood
Cayenne interacts with these medications, not because Cayenne also thins the blood but because Cayenne has a healing and equalizing effect on the blood. Cayenne equalizes your blood from your head to your toes. When taken together the drug will continue to try and thin the blood reacting to Cayenne because Warfarin is poison. It was originally designed and created to kill rats[20]Official Wikipedia: Warfarin but has since been adapted to be used for medicine, while still maintaining its poisonous and dangerous properties.
These drugs damage tissue, are dangerous for the heart, can cause you to bleed to death and increases the chance of all internal bleeding increasing mortality rate. Many studies have shown this but Doctors rarely if ever tell you the whole story. Anticoagulants like Warfarin cause Intracranial hemorrhage which essentially is blood vessels in your brain rupturing and is called a hemorrhagic stroke.[21]Death and Disability from Warfarin-Associated Intracranial and Extracranial Hemorrhages
Another study concluded that “people who took warfarin and suffered a brain hemorrhage had about twice as much initial bleeding as those not taking warfarin.”[22]Blood-thinning drug warfarin may raise risk of death from brain haemorrhage After studying 1.2 million people admitted into trauma centers between 2002-2007 it was discovered that overall, Warfarin users were more likely to die from their injuries, more likely to have blunt mechanism injuries, more likely to be admitted for intracranial hemorrhage and more likely to die from intracranial hemorrhage.[23]Patients using warfarin have a higher risk of death after trauma, study finds – HINT! WARFARIN INCREASES YOUR CHANCE OF DEATH! CAYENNE DOES NOT!!!!!!!!!
In contrast, how does Cayenne affect the brain and blood? Cayenne doesn’t thin your blood or hinder your body’s ability to protect you by coagulating during an emergency. It is a natural process of your body to coagulate when you have an injury to prevent you from bleeding out. Drugs hinder that process(bad). Cayenne doesn’t(good). Instead Cayenne actually stops the bleeding by equalizing the blood. Cayenne has never been linked to any brain bleeding, it does not increase the risk of death after trauma as blood thinners do. So what is the risk? The risk is when taking poison(Warfarin or other blood thinners) with Cayenne, Cayenne is trying to heal your body, the poison is trying to kill you – literally! Your body knows what it is doing if it is given the right nutrition and natural medicine it will heal itself. But when you give the body poison it struggles to heal. Poison is never the answer, poison never heals and is anything but natural to the body.
Plant Properties and Nutrition
Nutritional Info (100g) [Incomplete at this time]
Vitamin C: 63.1-64.9 Micrograms (per 100g)
Vitamin A: 218-243 Micrograms (per 100g)
Capsaicinoids: 471-688 mg/kg
Carotenoids: 2310-2390 mg/kg
Phenolic Acid
Capxanthin (or Capsanthin)
Antioxidants: polyphenols 218.2 mg/100 g (free soluble polyphenols)
Sources:[24]Assessment of carotenoids, capsaicinoids and ascorbic acid composition of some selected pepper cultivars (Capsicum annuum L.) grown in Turkey, [25]Polyphenols in red pepper [Capsicum annuum var. aviculare (Tepin)] and their protective effect on some pro-oxidants induced lipid peroxidation in brain and liver
Vitamin C
One of the primary and most well-known nutrients found in Cayenne is Vitamin C. The maturity and color of the pepper plays a role in the nutrient density. Ripe red peppers have the highest Vitamin C and A content[26]Characterization and Quantitation of Antioxidant Constituents of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), both important nutrients for our health. Capsicum (Cayenne) pepper contains an average of 124-338% of RDA for Vitamin C.[27]Changes in Phytochemical and Antioxidant Activity of Selected Pepper Cultivars (Capsicum Species) As Influenced by Maturity
23 flavonoids and 5 hydroxycinnamic derivatives can be found in Cayenne. Hydroxycinnamic derivatives, O-glycosides of quercetin, luteolin, and chrysoeriol, and a large number of C-glycosyl flavones have been characterized. Some of these nutrients in Cayenne are rarely if ever found anywhere else in nature.
Capsanthin is associated with the red pigment in peppers and is actually unique to Capsicum(Cayenne). Scientists have tried to extract different elements such as Capsaicin from the hot pepper and use it… the problem is that the medicinal power of Cayenne is in the pepper, in every fiber, every element. That is why it should be taken or used in a whole manner. A whole extract or whole tea or whole pepper.
Capsanthin has been associated as “a functional material by antioxidative activity and anti-tumor-promotion” and one researcher paper concludes:
“In epidemiological studies, capsanthin appears to possibly exert a potent inhibitory effect on colon carcinogenesis. Therefore, increased intake of capsanthin rich foods may be helpful for the improvement of health.”[28]Analysis, Bioavailability, and Potential Healthy Effects of Capsanthin, Natural Red Pigment from Capsicum spp.
Capsaicin is often associated with Cayenne as the ability to stop pain but it does far more than that. It has been associated with anti-cancer activity as well. One research paper reveals that Capsaicin (anti-cancer drug as they refer to it) inhibits tNOX activity, which is a growth-related protein expressed only in cancer cells. It reduces cancer cells, inhibits growth and causes apoptosis in these cancer cells, specifically but not limited to, stomach cancer cells.
The polyphenols in Cayenne peppers are antioxidant. To break this down into simple terms think of pro-oxidants in the terms of what salt does to a northeastern vehicle, it makes it rust. Free radicals, prooxidants, oxidative stress, are all terms for a negative process in the body. Antioxidants hinder or halt that process and create a healing environment.
Both free and bound polyphenols extracted from hot pepper showed “significant” inhibitory effects on basal and various pro-oxidant activity. MDA levels are a common marker for oxidative stress and the status of cancerous patients.[29]Malondialdehyde (MDA) as a lipid peroxidation marker
Polyphenolic extracts inhibited MDA production in the brain and liver homogenates, however, the free polyphenols exhibited the highest effect. Concluding that: “free polyphenols had the higher protective ability” and “inhibition of over-stimulation of NMDA receptor.”[30]Polyphenols in red pepper [Capsicum annuum var. aviculare (Tepin)] and their protective effect on some pro-oxidants induced lipid peroxidation in brain and liver
What we have learned in studying Cayenne is that it is a great and mysterious equalizer. It works on many levels to try and equalize the body. It starts by equalizing the blood to protect the heart and then works to inhibit overstimulation that could cause cancer and autoimmune disease. It is important to note that while we address these nutrients separately Cayenne works as a whole food and should never be seen as individuals constituents.
Thermal processing of Jalapeno resulted in a reduction of positive Vitamin A activity and 75% reduction in total Vitamin C. [31]Provitamin A and Ascorbic Acid Content of Fresh Pepper Cultivars (Capsicum annuum) and Processed Jalapeños This is astounding and shows how your Cayenne is processed plays an important role in retention and efficacy of nutrients within the plant. Similarly when Hydrolysis was performed on Cayenne total flavonoid content varied from not detectable to 800 mg/kg.[32]Flavonoids and Antioxidant Activity of Fresh Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Cultivars So it is very important how your pepper is processed and minimal or zero processing is preferable. If at all possible freeze dried is the best method as it retains 80-98% of the nutrients of the plant. Using home-grown peppers or buying them whole and if possible organic, is one of the ways you can ensure the highest quality and the most medicinal value.
Preparations and Formulas
Cayenne Tea
The quickest and easiest way to prepare Cayenne is as a simple tea. Mix a teaspoon of Cayenne in warm water. NEVER boil the Cayenne as it destroys healing properties. If you are not so tolerant of hot pepper you can start with a smaller amount of Cayenne and build up to a teaspoon. If healing a condition work up to a tablespoon as much as three times a day.
Honey can be added to sweeten the tea and you can mix with any other herbs such as Peppermint, Ginger, Meadowsweet etc. But never add sugar!
Add Lemon!
If you are struggling with the heat intensity you can try a few different things. Citrus has a taming effect on the heat. So squeezing a lemon or orange into your Cayenne tea will tame it and also adds healing benefits. A Cayenne Lemon tea is very beneficial for colds and flu. Another method is Tea Tree which neutralizes the heat without affecting the medicinal value of Cayenne.
Cayenne Strengthens Herbs
Cayenne increases the bioavailability of many herbs including Turmeric(curcumin). Studies indicate black pepper will increase the bioavailability of Turmeric by up to 2000%. Many ancient formulas and preparations are strengthened with Cayenne because of its ability to increase the power of other herbs. Eyebright, a famous herb for healing cataracts and other eye issues is sometimes only effective when coupled with Cayenne.